I fell in love with the premise for this week's MMGM long before I read it: "Space travel is all fun and games until someone breaks the universe." Okay, the premise I read had something in it about a boy getting a spaceship for a corn dog and then breaking the universe, but either way, you have an interesting premise. My twelve-year-old and I loved Nathan Bransford's JACOB WONDERBAR AND THE COSMIC SPACE KAPOW
(though I did think there'd be more space monkeys).
The main POV belongs to twelve-year-old Jacob Wonderbar (surprise, surprise), but his best friends get to tell their side of the story as well. I don't always like multiple POVs, but it works in this case. Their voices, preferences, and actions are all distinctive, and the story isn't just Jacob Wonderbar's.
Instead of spoiling the story, I'm listing some things I love: a lying space pirate (though you'll have to figure out what he's lying about), a planet for substitute teachers, the illustrations, a planet that smells like burp breath (where they have to eat dirt), a mouse with a thing for mathematical equations, and a chronically bored spaceship. I hope there's something in there that piques your interest. Oh, I also love the names.
Have you read this one? And if you're an aspiring writer, have you visited Nathan Bransford's blog? His Publishing Essentials are invaluable.
The main POV belongs to twelve-year-old Jacob Wonderbar (surprise, surprise), but his best friends get to tell their side of the story as well. I don't always like multiple POVs, but it works in this case. Their voices, preferences, and actions are all distinctive, and the story isn't just Jacob Wonderbar's.
Instead of spoiling the story, I'm listing some things I love: a lying space pirate (though you'll have to figure out what he's lying about), a planet for substitute teachers, the illustrations, a planet that smells like burp breath (where they have to eat dirt), a mouse with a thing for mathematical equations, and a chronically bored spaceship. I hope there's something in there that piques your interest. Oh, I also love the names.
Have you read this one? And if you're an aspiring writer, have you visited Nathan Bransford's blog? His Publishing Essentials are invaluable.
If you'd like to read about more Marvelous Middle Grades, the following people would love to oblige you:
Shannon Whitney Messenger (our founding mother)
Have a Marvelous Monday!