Monday, January 3, 2011

Bookduck's Book Giveaway

So, most of you will (I hope) remember last summer's interview with Stephanie Perkins and my recommendation of her debut novel, ANNA AND THE FRENCH KISS. If you missed it or you'd like to refresh your memory, you can click here. I gave away pre-orders for her novel and for Kiersten White's PARANORMALCY.

Well, Steph's book came out on December 2nd, so maybe you have your own copy already (which you've read two or three times) and would like to pick up another copy so that you can share without being parted from your own copy. OR maybe you were really busy last month (December is a VERY busy month), and you haven't picked it up yet. Either way, I have happy news. You see, Sarah, AKA Bookduck, is giving away a copy of ANNA AND THE FRENCH KISS and a copy of DREAM GIRL, by Laura Mechling, but you should hurry over there (like now) before her contest ends and she runs away to Paris or something. She's also thrown in some other fun things, like a french toast stamp, but you'll have to go there to get the details.

Anna and the French KissDream Girl

And F.Y.I., I'm still scribbling (okay, mostly typing at this point) away at the little something I started last fall, so I won't be posting a lot this month either. Isn't it funny how stories that seem so fully formed take so long to get out on paper, and then they look like a pale shadow that you have to revise and revise to get it anywhere near as shiny as it was in your head? It feels a great deal like work.

Have a lovely week!   


  1. Got ANNA AND THE FRENCH KISS for Christmas. It was nigh unto impossible to put down:)

    Thanks for this heads-up. Even though I already own ANNA, an extra copy - plus another book - is always nice to have.

  2. I only write short stories, but that often happens to me, too. The whole process feels like a lot of (sometimes tiresome) work, which is why I haven't ever felt like attempting a novel.

    Or maybe it's just lack of imagination.


  3. Thanks for spreading the word, Myrna :) I'll extend the deadline of the contest if there aren't at least 20 entries by Friday, but I remain hopeful :)I hope scribbling goes well, and I really like how you describe stories-in-progress as pale shadows compared to what one originally imagines..

  4. Awesome! Count me in! :) And good luck with the writing. :)

  5. I have a Copy of Anna. It's in my TBR pile...I hear great things about it. Have a great month, Myrna!

    Happy New Year!
